
Friday, January 14, 2011

Crock Pot Rice Pudding - 5 points

Finished a great book last night - Italian Shoes, by Henning Mankel. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo opened my eyes to the world of Swedish literature. It is very intriguing to me to read about a culture that is so familiar and yet so foreign from my own. Italian Shoes was an interesting book about family and forgiveness.  After I turned the last page, I set my alarm with the knowledge that I would have to wake up and go to work - but also that I would have a warm breakfast waiting for me in the crock pot.

Crock Pot Rice Pudding - 5 points
2 cups cooked white rice
1 cup vanilla soy milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Splenda or other no calorie sweetener
1/4 cup grated coconut
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/2 tsp nutmeg

1. Combine all ingredients in crock pot. Cook over low heat for 5-7 hours.
2. Makes 4, 5 point servings

This turned out to be yummy, and I wasn't hungry an hour later like I am when I eat cold cereal.

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