
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hot Mustard Greens - 2 Points

If there is anything that says, "Southern" it is a big plate of greens! I grew up eating mustard greens, collard greens, kale, spinach, and pumpkin leaves - and I love them all. Luckily, Weight Watchers has supported this love by making greens 0 points. Thank you, Weight Watchers!

Mustard greens and collard greens were on sale at the grocery store, so I bought both. They were on sale because they were about to wilt, so I had to cook them quickly. Hence, two mustard green recipes in a row.

The Southern thing to do is to put hot sauce on your greens. I decided to play with that idea of spicy greens by cooking my greens in chili oil (which is also low points on Weight Watchers).  I loved how they turned out.

Hot Mustard Greens
1 tablespoon chili oil
1 medium onion, chopped
6 cups chopped mustard greens
1 cube chicken bouillon

Then, I got my handy dandy Pampered Chef apple wedger. And...

Ta- da! Half of the work done in 5 seconds. (I realize this is not the first time I have mentioned Pampered Chef. I do not sell their products, nor am I related to anyone who does. I just love them.)

1. Heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the onions; sauté until translucent. 
2. Add the mustard greens and bouillon cube. Cook over medium-low heat until greens have wilted.
3. Makes 4, 2 point servings

Some people object to mustard greens because they have a "strong flavor" and deal with that issue by cooking them to death. I am all about strong flavor, and I prefer to eat my greens before they have gotten mushy. However, if you find this a little pungent, try cooking them on low heat until they reach canned spinach consistency to soften the flavor. 

I sort of cheated in chopping my onions. This is one of my favorite quick tricks in the kitchen. First I peeled a medium onion.  (Which had an awesome, funky shape.)

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