
Monday, January 10, 2011

Oatmeal Pancakes - 2 points

Last night I got a wonderful message on my phone, which I can boil down to two words: snow day! If you are not a teacher and do not know the joy of snow days, let me explain. Every day I work fifteen minutes of unpaid overtime. That overtime accumulates to ten snow days (actually 13, but three of them were stolen by The Man use for other purposes). So, all year I hope that it will actually snow enough for me to get my ten days. Otherwise, I am just being bilked by the system.

I started the day by finishing  Faking It by Jennifer Crusie. It was cute and funny and had a good little twist at the end. Then, I called my nephew to ask how he liked the snow. He liked it, and he suggested I eat pancakes for breakfast. (He's two, they don't stay on topic).

This is my mom's recipe, which I messed with slightly for Weight Watchers.

Oatmeal Pancakes
1 cup quick cooking rolled oats
1 cup fat free soy milk
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp Spleda or other non calorie sweetener
2 egg whites
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1. Place the oats in a small bowl; add milk. Leave in the fridge overnight to soak (I left them for 30 minutes this morning because I didn't plan ahead).
2. Add remaining ingredients, mix until just blended.
3. Use a ladle or measuring cup to pour out pancake batter onto non-stick skillet over medium heat. (There is a video below to help you with cooking pancakes if you are not an aficionado of flapjacks).
4. Yields 8, 2 point servings. I chose to eat mine with all fruit spread and a dusting of powdered sugar. Please remember to adjust points for your toppings.

My pancakes:

How to cook pancakes:

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