
Monday, February 7, 2011

Fini Dini Pork - 3 points

I had a friend, in college, who spent a summer in Guam doing mission work. When she came back, she had this recipe she called fini dini sauce. She made fini dini everything. Fini dini chicken, fini dini shrimp, fini dini pork - you get the idea. No one complained about her obsession because whatever she decided to place in the fini dini sauce was delicious! I finally asked her how she made it and was pleased to find out that it is super easy!

You can use the sauce as a marinade for just about any meat, but pork chops were on sale, so that was the protein du jour. It was incredibly tender (thanks to the vinegar) and tasted deliciously savory. I made basmati rice to accompany it because that is my carb of choice when I have points left.

Fini Dini Pork
18 oz pork chops
For sauce:
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
1 onion, minced
1 large clove garlic, minced (I used three, because I really like garlic)

1. Place all ingredients into a large Ziploc bag or sealable container. Place in the fridge at least overnight, up to 24 hours.
2. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the pork with sauce. Cover and cook for 20 minutes or until pork is cooked through.
3. Yields 6, 3 point servings

Yum! I wish I had some leftovers to nosh on.

Ann at Apples and Twinkies (a fabulous blog full of oh-so-yummy recipes) was generous enough to pass on a Stylish blogger award to me. She is so kind! I love being thought of as stylish and was tickled pink that Ann thought of my blog for this award! Here it is:
Now, the first requirement for accepting this award is that I am supposed to tell you 7 things about myself. This part intimidates me because I want to have fabulously interesting things to tell you and feel that I am rather unglamorous. I shall do my best.

1. One of my favorite flowers is the Tennessee State Flower, the bearded iris. Here are some that I planted in my front yard.
2. I love museums. I could spend the rest of my life going between the British Museum and the Smithsonian. I am a big dork, but it's okay. I have embraced it. Here is a pic from a trip to the Smithsonian.

3. I have an adorable nephew, Simon, with whom I love to spend time.

4. One of my favorite treats is an apple dipped in caramel, chocolate, nuts, and whatever else Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory can come up with.
5. Every Christmas, I make egg's Benedict.
6. I love really cool bathrooms in restaurants and businesses. I will wait until I am alone, and then take pictures.
7. I have always been interested in architecture. This past year, I stopped by this interesting house in Kentucky - one of the few brick, octagonal houses in the United States.

The second requirement is that I am to give you a list of 15 blogs which I enjoy. Here they are! All were chosen for one or more of the following reasons: 1)fabulous food, 2)great writing, and 3) being inspirational.

Whew... I am ready for bed now! Ya'll have a great night:)


  1. Hey, thanks, Angela. And right back atcha! I am loving your recipes.

  2. thanks so much for the award sweet Angela adding to the crepe post so I don't forget hugs Rebecca

  3. fini dini pork sounds delicious. congrats on your award, thanks for sharing with me. I am honored.

  4. angela,thank you so much,it's a great honor to receive this award!:)
    and a sweet coincidence:i have a son ,his name is simon!:))

  5. Thanks for the shout out Angela! I'm excited to try out fini dini (I know it will be amazing, but I can't wait to say that I'm eating fini dini pork).

  6. Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award!! :)
    I love the apples at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, now I am craving one!

  7. Thanks for mentioning my blog! That is so sweet of you!

  8. Hi Angela
    Congratulations, great work and lovely clicks ♥

  9. Who would have thought a sauce with so few ingredients could be so good?!?!? Love it. Plus, I could walk around the house saying fini dini all day long. Great name.

  10. Thank you so much for including me on your distinguished list!! I am honored :) I also love museums... we always stay near the British Museum in London, and I never get tired of it. Field Museum is also one of my favorites!! This pork dish looks a lot like pork adobo, which is a Filipino dish- probably related since they are both in the same area of the world!

  11. I am with you on taking photos of restaurant bathrooms. Jamie's Italian restaurants have the best and I got caught taking a photo of the loo!

  12. Congrats on the award - thanks for passing it on to me. I think the pork looks fantastic!

  13. Thank you so much for considering me for an award! With all this bad weather in Nashville, your award came like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day!

  14. Congrat for the award and I'd like to passing an award for U too, check at:

  15. I'm new to your blog, but am so excited to look through your posts! This sauce sounds delicious!!! I'm with you...I add extra garlic to it!

  16. Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking of me! That house is really neat. And I love the fini dini sauce - delicious!

  17. I am so pleased you thought of me. Your pork sounds delicious and will be moving from your kitchen to mine in the very near future. Have a great evening. Blessings...MAry

  18. Looking forward to trying the Fini Dini - sounds great.

    Congratulations on the well deserved award.

    Thank you so much for thinking of me Angela very much appreciated.


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