
Friday, February 25, 2011

Piperade - 3 points, Pink Saturday, Music Friday

I have certainly had a crazy week! My computer crashed last night, just to make things interesting. I have managed to repair it for the moment but anticipate further problems since I am not a techie and don't know what I am doing.

First, here is a terribly delicious, very easy recipe for you! I have eaten a ridiculous number of egg whites since healthifying my diet. They are my new favorite protein.

Piperade from 1000 Vegetarian Recipes
1 tsp olive oil
1 cup onions, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup green bell pepper, sliced
2 1/2 cups tomatoes, chopped
1 1/2 tsp basil
salt and pepper to taste
2 eggs
8 egg whites

1. Heat oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add onions and garlic; saute until onions are transparent.
2. Stir in the peppers and continue to saute until peppers are soft.
3. Stir in tomato, basil, and pepper. Cook, uncovered, 15 minutes.
4. Beat eggs and egg whites with salt.
5.  Add eggs to skillet. Cook, stirring gently, until eggs are set.
6. Yields 4, 3 point servings

Here they are, accompanied by some roasted Brussels sprouts:

Second, Happy Pink Saturday! This week my pink picture is of the lamp on my bedside table. My mom bought this piece at a garage sale when I was in high school. I was completely enamored of roses at the time and wanted my whole room to be covered with them. I no longer have the rose comforter, curtains, or rug, but I still love this little lamp. The delicate crocheted doily you can see beneath it was purchased from a lovely lady in an art market in Zimbabwe.

I am so excited to do my resolution round up tomorrow! I have a lot to tell you. But, I have a husband who is about to finish his homework, so for now I will leave you with my Friday song. Up until now, I have let my Zen DJ pick the song. But, this week I felt like it had to be Amy Grant and it had to be romantic. So, here are Amy Grant and Keb' Mo' with, "Come Be with Me".


  1. Angela, that looks really good and healthy! good job!

  2. Looks Yummy to me Sweetie...Blessings from our Awesome LORD above~~Prayers and Hugs Dena

  3. I simpathise with you Angela, I know how frustrating it is to have a computer crash. Mine never seem to stop, even the brand new ones! This dish on a brighter note looks really nice!

  4. Nice work! Never made Piperade before so good to see a new dish.

  5. I have never heard of this healthy recipe but would love to make this. Computers can really be a pain. What a nice lamp.

  6. Love your lamp and I used to eat something similar when I was on Weight Watchers. Lovely post.

  7. Angela this piperade looks healthy recipe. Love to try them. Beautiful lamp

  8. Love the lamp and the chroched doily! The plate looks tasty, I especially love the addition of the brussles sporuts. Have a wonderful Saturday evening :)


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