
Monday, July 25, 2011

Delmonico Deviled Chicken: Foods Made for Family and Friends

Today I am having surgery- so I have pre-written all my posts in order to not feel totally out of the blogging world for the next few days. I decided to go with a theme this week: Foods Made for Family and Friends. I didn't intend at first to have a themed week, but it seemed that I had a lot of friends who were either celebrating something or recovering from something last week. It is human nature, I think, to wish to feed people who are experiencing a high or a low or a transition, so I did a lot of baking and slow cooking and roasting. The incredible reward was to be able to spend time with people I love.

I made this chicken for a friend who is recovering from an accident. She is one of the sweetest people I know, and made me feel welcome even from her sick bed.

Delmonico Deviled Chicken from In the Kitchen with AWA
3 lb chicken thighs
1 cup butter, melted
4 tsp mustard
2 tsp salt
1 tbsp white wine
1 tbsp paprika
2 cups bread crumbs

1. Place chicken pieces in baking dish.
2. Combine butter, mustard, salt, wine, and paprika. Pour over chicken. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over all.
3. Bake at 350F for 45 minutes.


  1. Surgery!? Well, I'll be sending you happy fluffy healing vibes from Cayman :)

    This chicken looks phenom. I love the mustard and the white wine...I bet it's tart and delicious!

  2. Hope all goes well with the surgery

  3. UWOW Angela; sending good vibes your way for a quick recovery. You are so smart organizing your blogs ahead of time; I know we would get along very well. Take good care.

  4. Hi Angela! My prayers are with you for a quick recovery from surgery. I love your organization. Like putti ga blog posts in the freezer to be pulled our and enjoyed. And chicken is alwYs the food to minister to the infirmed. You have a generous heart. Thanks for the comment on my blog. That means a lot coming from a photographer like you!

  5. I love the theme.
    The deviled chicken looks so deeeeeeeeeeeelicious!
    I hope all goes well with the surgery and have a speedy recovery!

  6. Hope your surgery goes well and you have a super speedy recovery! XOXOX

    The chicken looks great, by the way :)

  7. hope your ok sweet Angela will pray for you and this is a lovely dish

  8. Angela will send good vibes your way for a quick recovery.The chicken dish looks so good,your friend is lucky to have a friend like you.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The chicken sounds (and looks) delicious, Angela! My prayers will be with you through surgery and recovery, which I hope will be a speedy one! XO

  11. sending you best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  12. What a great chicken dish! Thanks for sharing!

  13. This looks like a great way to do chicken. And I love thighs!! Hope your surgery went well :)


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