
Friday, July 1, 2011

Miller's Cafe, Cream Coffee

Until I moved to Tennessee, the only thing I knew about fried green tomatoes was that they made for a darn good movie...

and an even better book. Then I went to this place...

Miller's Grocery in Christiana, Tennessee. And I had these...

actual fried green tomatoes. Eating one is, to use a Southern colloquialism, a religious experience. They are crispy outside, soft inside, salty, sour, and piping hot. They are everything that is best about Southern fried food - they are unique and comforting at the same time. They are only available when green tomatoes are in season. Like today, for instance, when I met some friends for lunch at Miller's.

Everyone was excited to eat at Miller's because they all love it - and they know I love it. They were surprised when I - who have lost so much weight and try to eat so healthy - ordered the fried green tomato appetizer. You should have seen them when I ordered the Country Fried Steak with sawmill gravy, mashed potatoes, and fried okra. I told them I will bike the whole Greenway to work that off and it will be worth it. I wish so much that I had the presence of mind and self control to take a picture when my entree came out. Unfortunately, I was deeply involved in a conversation about Michael Cunningham and began inhaling my okra before I remembered to reach for my camera. I guess that means I have to go back for more pictures. Darn.

I did get a picture of my dessert. That is a mud bar. It is amazing. Brownie on the bottom topped with nut and marshmallow filled fudge frosting. Every year Miller's is voted best place to get dessert by the readers of Tennessee magazine. Can you see why?

After my amazing lunch, I came home to do a little cooking...

(two pans of bread and one pan of green beans not pictured) for the homeless shelter. My Sunday school class was providing Friday night dinner, and I offered to do the cooking while they helped with the funds. After all of that heavy food, I needed something light and creamy. So I used, and found this.

Cream Coffee from
Equal parts
coffee brandy
strong coffee

A good day over all. To end it...

"Goodbye" by Hootie and the Blowfish- the Friday song randomly chosen for you by my Zen DJ.

I hope you have a lovely Saturday. If you happen to be at the Murfreesboro Farmer's Market on the Square or the U2 concert and Vandy - we just may run into each other.


  1. I have watched that movie twice ;-)) Your fried tomatoes are making my tummy rumble...

  2. I've never tried fried green tomatoes, very curious. Miller's Grocery sounds and looks like an ordinary grocery shop. Names and looks can be deceiving

  3. I have never had fried green tomamtos but they do look good!

  4. Angie - Isn't it a great film? I haven't seen it in awhile, but I thought it was fantastic. The book is wonderful, also,
    Three-Cookies - It used to be an actual grocery shop decades ago. The interior decor is very retro, but it a genuine way that defies chain restaurants.
    Maris - You need to try them:)

  5. Yum, yum, yum.
    I've never even seen actual fried green tomatoes. I'm so jealous lol.

  6. Love that scene from Fried Green Tomatoes!

  7. Can't wait for my tomatoes to be ready and try these again.

  8. love fried green tomatoes and fun clips :-)

  9. LOVE fried green tomatoes! I don't ever make them anymore because I would eat them as fast as I cooked them! Then I'd be full on tomatoes before I even ate dinner. They are a perfect example of a yummy southern thang! :) Hope you have a great 4th!


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