
Monday, July 11, 2011

Resolution Round Up for June

Last month I didn’t get to my Resolution Round up, and this month I wanted to leave off since I am not happy with my progress in regard to my first goal. However, this is meant to keep me honest and on task – so away we go.

1. Get down to goal weight of 127 pounds. Starting weight: 149.5, so -22.5 pounds. About ½ pound per week.
My weight on Friday was 139. Yes, that is exactly what my weight was two months ago. I am not a happy girl (well, in general I am, but just not on this particular topic). It is my fault for having indulged too much over the summer.  Having to publicly confess this is kicking my pride pretty hard. I don’t want to have to post that weight again at the end of July!

A blurry attempt to take my own picture in a Monteagle Inn downstairs bathroom. Yup, exactly the same size as last you saw me.

2.      Log 130 workout hours (the equivalent of 30 minutes, 5 times per week). I chose total hours instead of times per week because I will inevitably be sick for at least a week and then feel like a failure for not exercising.

I logged 10 hours – just 10 – in May due largely to illness and 25 in June, which gives me a total of 94 hours for the year.  I am enjoying having more time to work out during the summer; we have taken many a long walk, fixed up our bikes, and bought a new workout program for the wii. My diet may have been off this summer, but I am still feeling stronger through exercise. 

This is a shot from one of our favorite walks in the Stone's River National Battlefield. Unfortunately, due to it's Civil War history, this spot is part of what is known as "the slaughter pen". 

3. Make plans to do something special with my best friend once a month. We talked about it; I will plan one month, he will plan the next.

One of the benefits of being unemployed every summer is that I do have a lot more time to take care of things during the day – which leaves more time for dates. We had more than one this past month, including one that was featured on this blog.
This is a pic from a date I didn't feature on the blog - a night out to see the play Godspell followed by dessert at the Gateway Grill inside Embassy Suites Nashville SE - Murfreesboro.

4.      Take my nephew out to do something special at least once per month.

I had so much fun taking Simon to see Sesame Street Live.

5. Go on two vacations. (I really want three, but two seems more achievable).

Check one for Helen, GA. Check two for the Ozarks of Missouri. Check three for a quick getaway to Monteagle.

This is the blueberry cobbler I had to bake in order to convince my husband that we were headed to his parents' house instead of a romantic getaway in Monteagle (he would never believe I would go to lunch without making something to take along). 

6.Update blogs for a total of 5 updates per week.

Since I took one of my blogs down, I am not counting this one this time.

7. Finish editing the book of short stories I wrote last year. Contact at least one agent.

I said I would work on it this summer. I lied. I have decided I am a terrible writer – the book is terrible – no one would ever publish it – I should burn it. Stone says I sound like an author. I say that I sound like a realist.

8.      Pay off the remaining loan on my car 2,792.61 which I owe to a relative who does not ask me to make regular payments.

The total left to be paid off is now 1105.41

9. Participate in a 5K.

I am thinking that I may be doing this 5K indoors if the weather doesn’t get better. Three digits is not a temperature; it is an article in the Geneva Convention.

10. Make time to do things that make me happy.

This is too vague and must change.
11. Cross one thing per list off my giant to do list.

I include part of my list here and attempt to update it as I can. It has been quite fun to keep this list. I have to give a shout out to Shannon at My Place in the Race for inspiring me to share my list on my blog. If you haven't visited her blog, you should. She is very cool.

Here is a pic from one of my goals: getting a group of friends together to provide a meal for the homeless shelter.

Thank you again for sticking with me through this entry and for being part of this wonderful blogging community. I am very blessed to have "met" you. 


  1. Sesame Street Live!!.... soooo jealous!

  2. This is a great list! I've committed myself to changing my weight this month also. Weighing in every day to keep myself accountable!

  3. It's great to have goals :) Don't distress over the weight loss thing, if you want to do it healthy sometime it takes some time. I spin three times a week. It nearly kills me, but its great for your heart and joints and at 600 calories every 40 minutes...its an awesome way to maintain your tummy :)

    Keep us posted on your list progress!

  4. I love all your goals! And it sounds like you have a good start on some of them. I make vague "happy" goals like your #10 and I agree, those don't work--gotta get specific! Mmm, blueberry cobbler. I could probably just skip the vacation and stay home to eat that :D

  5. Great goals! I hope you accomplish most of them--I'm sure you will! :)

  6. I think these are great goals, even if you aren't as far along as you'd like. It's always good to keep working at something!

  7. lovely list of goals we all need one :)

  8. Your meal for the shelter looks wonderful. What a great achievement - well done.
    As for the weight loss one - I have been at the same weight now for several months despite lots of stop start attempts at losing. I don't have much to lose but I think that makes my motivation very low. Maybe I'll have another crack at it.

  9. Without a goal; life can be vert bland. Good luck; I think you are doing just fine; don't be too hard on yourself; this too shall pass.

  10. You are doing great! Don't fret too much about the scale! Your effort is more than most people can claim. You are doing AMAZING! Almost 23 pounds to date! WOW!!!! Just keep on keeping on!

    And yay for the meal for the shelter! That looks delicious!! I'm sure they loved it!!


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