
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chicken Marsala

Ode, once again, to the chicken thigh - best of all chicken parts. This is one of my favorite recipes - easy, juicy, spicy, and finger licking good. 

Chicken Marsala
12 skinless chicken thighs
6 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp ground ginger
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp brown sugar
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
1 tbsp chopped green chilli
2 tbsp olive oil

1. Wash chicken and prick with a fork.
2. In a large bowl, mix lemon juice, ginger, garlic, chili powder, salt, sugar, and honey. Coat chicken with spice mixture and marinate for 45 minutes.
3. Preheat grill to medium heat. Add the cilantro and green chillies to the chicken thighs and place in a flameproof dish. Pour any remaining marinade over chicken and baste with oil.
4 Grill under preheated grill for fifteen to twenty minutes until cooked through and browned.

Now that I am back on my feet, it is back to life. I have to make a couple of changes in my life. We - the teacher and the librarian - are shockingly (heavy sarcasm intended) in need of extra funds if we are to have any hope of expanding our little family while Stone is in grad school. will soon see my blog monetized. I don't know that it will make me any money at all, but we shall see. Also, I am going to take a bit of a second job. More on that as it develops. 


  1. The thigh - oh it is very finger lickin' good.

    Gosh, I hope that doesn't sound wrong o_O

  2. tasty and its my favorite part of the chicken as well

  3. Angela I love chicken masala look delicious! gloria

  4. Love chicken marsala!

  5. Adore chicken marsala! Best of luck with all the new ventures!

  6. Delicious!
    Best of luck with 2nd job!

  7. a great chicken recipe, looks delicious, adding honey is new to me...

  8. I have tagged you. You can read more here:

    It requires a little bit of effort, not too much, and the outcome should be interesting. I hope you can manage to find time to participate otherwise its OK.

  9. Marsala anything is delicious! :P

    Good luck on the job (and expanding that family) XOXO

  10. Hot stuff! I'm totally stealing this marsala recipe, proly rock it with some fish though :) Let me know if that monetizing thing is worth it. I've been thinking of joining the foodbuzz featured publisher program...


Thanks for your comments!