
Monday, September 12, 2011

Missing the Blog - Graham Cracker Sand

"I am so busy with all of this stuff...I haven't even blogged!"
"Do you miss blogging?"
"Yes! Blogging is important to me. I haven't even cooked real food, so I don't have any food to blog about."

This was a conversation I had early today re: teaching, selling AVON, helping with a fundraiser, family obligations, and generally losing my mind. I miss this blog!!!! So, I decided that even if I don't have a fab recipe to share with you, I can at least post something. is a pic of a cake I made for a birthday recently. I have no cake decorating expertise, obviously. What I was happy with was the technique of using pulverized graham crackers as sand. The texture was fabulous and the taste actually added to the cake. I highly recommend making a beach cake with graham cracker sand:) plan is to seriously get back to blogging. I miss you guys...I miss cooking. It's time to return!