
Monday, September 12, 2011

Missing the Blog - Graham Cracker Sand

"I am so busy with all of this stuff...I haven't even blogged!"
"Do you miss blogging?"
"Yes! Blogging is important to me. I haven't even cooked real food, so I don't have any food to blog about."

This was a conversation I had early today re: teaching, selling AVON, helping with a fundraiser, family obligations, and generally losing my mind. I miss this blog!!!! So, I decided that even if I don't have a fab recipe to share with you, I can at least post something. is a pic of a cake I made for a birthday recently. I have no cake decorating expertise, obviously. What I was happy with was the technique of using pulverized graham crackers as sand. The texture was fabulous and the taste actually added to the cake. I highly recommend making a beach cake with graham cracker sand:) plan is to seriously get back to blogging. I miss you guys...I miss cooking. It's time to return!


  1. What a beautiful cake!! It reminds me summer time!!
    Have a nice day

  2. What a great looking cake! Love the "sand"!

  3. lovely cake happy to hear from you Angela

  4. Nice to see you show up again, Angela!
    The cake looks really pretty.

  5. We've missed you! Glad to hear you're gonna rejoin the action :) LOVE that cake! Graham cracker makes everything taste better

  6. Very cute cake,Angela!Glad to see you back!

  7. Hi Angela! Mmmm! Great cake. Cake is our friend. Your post reminded me if a placard my wife put up for a while that said, "of all the things I lost I miss my mind the most"! Very funny. Hope life gives you a season of catching up, my friend. Ciao.
    And a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  8. Just stopping by to wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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