
Monday, January 16, 2012

Back and BIG

Here I am - back again. On this blog, which has been largely devoted to healthy eating and weight loss, I should start by saying that in the time I have been absent from blogging, I have gained A TON of weight. In fact, my belly is ridiculously large. Which leads me to my next confession....

I have been absent from blogging for a few months because I have been doing a different kind of cooking - the making-a-human-being-in-my-belly kind. I am five months pregnant. My first few months were incredibly difficult, complete with plethora ultrasounds, scary medical words, and an ER visit I hope never to repeat. I wasn't quite ready to tell everyone in the blogosphere what was going on because I really couldn't explain my weird cooking habits without explaining my pregnancy and I couldn't stand the thought of having to tell everyone if I lost the baby.

Thankfully - more thankfully than I can express - the hemorrhage that was causing me so much trouble has resolved and the doctor says that my baby boy is healthy and well. He certainly feels healthy and well - he kicks so hard it takes my breath! I love every kick.

So, I am back. Now, my blogs may veer from food to working motherhood from time to time, but I know you will be patient with me. I have missed you all and can't wait to catch up.


  1. Congratulations and best wishes.

  2. Congrats on your new bundle of joy. Enjoy second semester, third becomes more uncomfortable.

  3. Great news Angela..Congrats..Take lots of care :)

  4. OMG!! That's such amazing news and well played by you. Sometimes people use their blogs for all the wrong reasons. We're glad you're back and healthy. Xx

  5. Congratulations. I was wondering what happened to you

  6. Congratulations!!! That's so a lovely moment for you!!I know what you mean.

  7. Congratulations! I'm glad everything is OK. I'm so excited for you! I missed you too - glad you're back.


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