
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Off the Edge of the Earth

I know that you probably think I have fallen off the edge of the earth. I swear to you that I haven't. I just completely underestimated the amount of time it would take to get back into school, start a new second job, and plan two giant parties all at the same time. I have barely had time to breathe - I haven't read a single page of a book or cooked something just for myself or gone for a walk for two weeks! It's been epically insane. Tonight I decided that I must blog, even if it is just to tell you that I am not dead.

Here is a bit of cooking. There is not a recipe, as I used a mix, but the idea was quite cute. You can see the directions by clicking here. I baked this cake for my nephew on his last day at his old school (he is a big boy in proper preschool now). Each of the kids is decorated to represent one of his classmates.

Next step is to catch up on all of your lovely blogs:)


  1. Cute cake...Glad your not dead. I've been having a hard time finding time to post too.

  2. Lovely cake.Angela, you have been tagged in a game, please visit my space to find out the details.Hope you would have some time to play along.

  3. What a cute cake! Life is crazy! Sounds like you got a lot going on. Hugs and best wishes! Take care of yourself and we will all be here for you!!

  4. I an glad you are OK and you are not dead, LOL!!
    Your cake is so cute!

  5. Angela, this cake is amazing! LOL

  6. cute cake...first time here...glad to follow you...hope you will too..

  7. Great cake. Glad you are the Monty Python clip. Have a wonderful Monday.


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