
Monday, January 23, 2012

Knut the Baby Polar Bear

Continuing with Simon's week of polar bears, we made our own Knut the Baby Polar Bear. I got the idea here and simply modified it a bit. First, I let Simon glue cotton "snowballs" across the bottom of a piece of blue paper. (Yes - I let a three year old glue - I am brave.) Then, I painted his hand white and let him make a hand print. After the print was dry, I used a sharpie to define his hand as Knut.

Although the real Knut tragically passed away last year, the board book based on his early life is a very sweet story.

Two notes:  First, Stone says, "You are going to have to explain that we have custody of Simon." Well...there you are. We have custody of Simon.

Second, I promise there will be recipes here again. I am just terribly knackered tonight, and an art project will have to suffice for now:)

So lovely to be seeing all of your blogs again and hearing from you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking to Read.Explore.Learn. I am sorry I am late in visiting!

    I love the project! The bear is so cute!


Thanks for your comments!