
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jeff's Jiffy "Cracker Jacks"

This month's Random Recipe Challenge was to go back to the cookbook you used in your first challenge. I couldn't do that as I got rid of that particular book in the great Fit Two Children Into My House clean up. So, I went to my second challenge - for which I had used Loaves and Fishes: A "Love Your Neighbor" Cookbook. I tried to let Simon pick the recipe for me, but it turns out that my particular three year old has no interest in being random. He completely refused to open the book in any but the tradition fashion (he is also the only three year old I know who enjoys pointing out the spine, front over, end pages, and title page of a book - so really I was asking too much of him if I expected "random".") I did the random flipping and came up with Jeff's Jiffy "Cracker Jacks".

Jeff's Jiffy "Cracker Jacks"
1/4 cup margarine
1/2 cup honey
6 cups popped corn
1 cup peanuts

1. In a saucepan, heat honey and margarine over low heat until blended.
2. In a large bowl, mix popcorn and peanuts. Add sauce and stir.
3. Spread mixture onto a large pan.
4. Bake at 350F for 7-10 minutes.
5. When cool, stir, and it's ready to eat.

Simon and I made these while Stone was away at a Super Bowl party (I have as much interest in watching American football as in getting a toe cut off). I enjoyed the mixture a great deal, as did Stone. Simon, however, objects to sticky food and would not partake.


  1. This sounds like a delicious flavour combination, great on toast, should be even better with popcorn

  2. Hurray! Cracker Jacks! Which leads me to a story ... picture Christmas ... picture me dashing all over God's creation looking for a small box of Cracker Jacks to round out a Boston Red Sox theme gift ('buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks' ... get it?)... picture me coming up empty and crabbing about why I couldn't just make my own ... picture next Christmas and me chuckling as I whip out your recipe!

  3. This looks like a fabulous snack! 3 year olds are not very predictable are they???

  4. What a lovely lovely snack to make with the kids. I adore popcorn so to have a home made recipe other than butter and sugar is great. Thanks so much for making this and randomly having fun along with me!

  5. I love this post you made me giggle at the toe cutting off bit...he he...

    ...oh and this popcorn sounds husband would love it...peanuts AND popcorn..yummy...

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I used to love cracker jacks! Never tried making it at home even though I make popcorn a lot. Looks delicious!

  7. Three-year-olds don't always do what we hope, do they?

  8. I love that this is a healthier version of sweet popcorn, not smothered in sugar and/or caramel.

  9. This looks lovely - I love popcorn, but get a bit bored with it plain and don't like artificially flavoured stuff. I have a 19 month old who is an awful random recipe chooser too - she has an uncanny knack of picking recipes I can't make due to food allergies!

  10. I loved cracker jacks when I was a kid. Who would have ever thought they were this easy to make. Yum!


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