
Friday, June 8, 2012

Chocolate Chip Shortbread

Here is a recipe from before I lost any control I had over my life (a.k.a before there were two children in my house - how are two so much more work than one?). I love chocolate chip cookies, so I thought the idea of making chocolate chip shortbread sounded like a delightful play on a familiar treat when I saw the recipe at Create with Mom.  Being eight months pregnant, I was not in the mood to do the work of making actual cookies, so I turned the recipe into bars by spreading the dough in a cake pan. I increased the cooking time by ten minutes. My little family greatly enjoyed these! They were not in the fridge for long. Please click the link to Create with Mom in order to see the recipe.


  1. This looks really wonderful. I bet it tasted great.

  2. yummy :) Angela I am glad you tried these and enjoyed, very simple to make isn't it :) glad your family enjoyed as well


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