
Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Reading Comes to an End

Today was the last day of the summer reading program at our local library. Simon had to "read" (aka listen to us read) 30 books. He turned in a list of 449 (there were more but we didn't get them all written down).  His favorite of the bunch was a book entitled Squids Will be Squids.

This is a fabulously funny book by one of Simon's favorite authors, Jon Scieszka. It is a parody of Aesop's fables that uses biographic information about that bard to envelope a series of sarcastic, whimsically illustrated fables that appeal to both children and adults.

I had to read 6 books this summer. My actual list included 9 titles.
1. Frederica, Georgette Heyer
2. Holidays on Ice, David Sedaris
3. Jeeves and the Fuedal Spirit, P. G. Wodehouse
4. Look me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's, John Elder Robinson
5. The Color of Water, James McBride
6. The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
7. My Cousin Rachel, Daphne du Maurier
8. The Convenient Marriage, Georgette Heyer
9. Love Wins, Rob Bell

My favorite was Love Wins, by Rob Bell.

Rob Bell's book purports to be about Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Ever Person Who Ever Lived. It delivers. It is a searing look at "traditional" Christian beliefs that questions what some would consider the foundation of conservative American Christianity. It made me think and totally re-examine everything I was taught to believe as a child. I love that kind of book!

Don't forget to follow my new Twitter account at! My favorite tweet of the day so far:

"Drinking red wine could stunt fat-cell growth (woot!), the Journal of Biological Chemistry reports: " Awesome!!!!


  1. Love Wins could be my favourite too.

  2. Hi Angela!! Thank you lovely for stopping by and visiting. All those sweet comments made my day! ^_^
    Great reading list...I am constantly on the search for new books and writers. Just the title of 'Love Wins' is intriguing. Sounds like a fab read.



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