
Friday, February 11, 2011

An Easy Treat, Pink Saturday, Valentine Blogroll

I am still contemplating Valentine's Day. I think I have decided what I shall be making for Simon to take to school. We will just have to see if it turns out well. In the meanwhile, I have my students to cook for. They really had better stop being such high achievers, as they are eating me out of house and home with their reward parties. For this one, I went super easy with Valentine's inspired sandwich cookies.

Strawberry Shortcake Sandwich Cookies
20 Otis Spunkmeyer strawberry shortcake cookies
1 can whipped chocolate frosting

1. Bake the cookies according to package directions, ensuring that they they are crispy - no soft. Allow cookies to cool completely.
2. Liberally slather frosting onto the bottom of 10 cookies. Top each frosted cookie with an unfrosted one, bottom side down, to create 10 sandwiches.
3. Easy! (Yields a whole ton of Weight Watchers points, which is why I made exactly the number needed for the students at the party and not one extra.)

Obviously, you could do this with just about any cookie and any frosting. I love these Otis Spunkmeyer cookies - which contain dried strawberries and white chocolate - and thought that they would be Valentine's appropriate.

Next topic, Happy Pink Saturday! Here is my pink thing for the week. This is a sunbonnet girl from a quilt that my mother made for me when I was a little girl. Isn't she lovely (my mother is quite lovely, too).

Next up, I have been keeping track of my very favorite Valentine's ideas from the blogosphere. Some of them were not intended for Valentine's Day, but they are so sexy that I felt compelled to include them. The very first was my favorite find from last Pink Saturday.

Finally, I always leave you with a song on Friday - chosen by the handy dandy DJ on my Zen. After the last couple of weeks, you probably think that I only listen to British folk alternative. Which might make you suprised that tonight's song is "Break Open the City" by tobyMac.


  1. Those cookies are to die for Angela. Happy Valentines day.

  2. Great idea for the cookies. That little sunbonnet girl is so darling. Happy Pink Saturday.

  3. You have me at the quilt - I like quilts of all sorts.
    Thank you for sharing some pink. Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Angela, Thanks for the shout out. You're a sweetie. These cookies look great. I need something I can whip up. I haven't planned too much for Valentine's Day. Gotta get going on that. love your pink quilt!

  5. Put on that teapot, I'm coming over for those delicious cookies!

    Happy Valentine's PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  6. The cookies look delicious...perfect with tea!

    Love your sweet quilt with the little girl!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Thank you for including me here. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  8. You have truly honored me. Thank you SO very much. Be blessed and happy hearts day! :)

  9. Thanks for mentioning my blog! The cookies look fantastic! I wish I had a couple right now with a big glass of milk. I also love the song you picked! Toby Mac is one of my favorites! We play his music all the time on the radio station where I have my shows.

  10. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Oh my...these cookies...any chance they will be rolling this way? LOL!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  11. Love the cookie idea! One of the best memories from elementary school was the bag of treats I brought home on Valentine's Day. Your kids are going to love the cookies.

    PS: Digging "Break Open the City!" Never heard of TobyMac before!

  12. Yummy link..... wonderful for this weekend

  13. Angela, THANK YOU so much for including me in the Valentine List! I love it.
    You are sweet!
    I wish you a great weekend!

  14. Hi Angela. LOVE the valentine list. Have a great weekend. (I don't think my first comment got through. weird :) )

  15. Lucky students!

    Love your quilt - your Mum is really talented. The girl reminds me of a Holly Hobby doll my sister had.

  16. Dear Angela,

    I can hardly wait to try out the cookie recipe!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. The card was a lot of fun to make.

    I hope you enjoy a wonderful Valentine's Day and have a great week!

  17. Happy PINK Saturday! The cookies sound YUMMO, thanks for sharing the recipe! The sun bonnet girl is so sweet and vintagey. Have a great weekend, Nan

  18. Cookies sound delish! Great idea! Love your quilt. Makes me nostalgic. And Toby Mac is my son's favorite singer. Wonderful post!
    Happy PS!

  19. Hi Angela,

    Those cookies look just yummy! Love the little sunbonnet sue. My mother-in-law made many of them back in the 80's. Your's is a treasure. I love that rosebud fabric!!! My middle daughter was born in 1980, and I had an outfit for her with that fabric. Just darling! Happy PS!


  20. Yum to that cookie recipe and I liked your little pink sunbonnet girl too. Happy Valentines Day!

  21. I love the recipe line up! Thanks for adding my red velvet cake roll! :)

  22. Oh what yummy cookies and adorable's so awesome that you still have your quilt--that is such a treasure!!
    I am your newest follower and it's so nice to meet you--Happy PS!!!
    and Happy Valentine's Day!

  23. Happy Pink Saturday Angela Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share today. Love the cookie idea and I just know your students will too. They sound wonderful, and look delish.

    I too have a Sunbonnet Sue blanket. It was made for my daughter when she was born. I have always treasured it. Both of her two daughters slept on it as well. It now remains folded in my closet, and one day I will pass it on to the grand daughters for their daughters some day. (They are only teens for now though.)

    A beautiful share sweet friend. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday and Happy Valentine's Day as well.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  24. I remember the sunbonnet quilts - I loved them then and now! Wonderful treats for your students - I think that teachers are amazing people!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  25. I remember those bonnet covered girls. They were popular in my younger years too, along with Hollie Hobbie. Your students are very lucky! Happy Pink Saturday and I am going to check out your links!

  26. I am just starting my day with no sustenance yet and your cookies have me drooling. Happy Pink Saturday and a wonderful Valentines.

  27. Thanks for the shout-out, girl!! Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!

  28. Thanks for the shout out!!! How fun is that? I love the cookies you made and such a cute little girl on the quilt. Hope you are having a great weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!

  29. I really appreciate all of the nice comments. My mother is a very talented woman. I hope to be like her when I grow up;)

  30. Angela your cookies look fabulous! Thansk for all the wonderful links with delcious goodies.

    My daughter also had a pink Sunbonnet Sue quilt of her bed! Yours is so pretty!

    ♥ Happy Valentine's Day!♥


Thanks for your comments!