
Friday, February 11, 2011

Ahart's Pizza Garden

My favorite pizza and my favorite cheesecake can be found at the same wonderful restaurant - Ahart's Pizza Garden. While many of my old favorites are now big diet no-no's, I can still enjoy Ahart's without guilt. The pizzas are all made with thin crust, they have a plethora of veggie toppings to choose from, and the delectable cheesecake is sugar free! Yay for Ahart's!

Because Simon has been very good and has done all of his chores, Stone and I took him out for a special snow day lunch at Ahart's. He was so excited to get his very own pizza!

I was a bit naughty and got a pizza with a few more calories than I normally get. But, I have plenty of extra points and have been doing aerobics for at least 1/2 hour a day, so I do not feel guilty. Here is my choice, The Garden Pizza: spinach, artichoke hearts, avocado, red onions, green peppers, black olives (none for me), and ricotta cheese. Please forgive me for being out of focus, I was snapping quickly with my flipcam and attempting to avoid the attention of the other diners. Next time I will take my regular camera and not care who is watching.

 My pizza was made with their thin white crust, special tomato sauce (in which you can see actual herbs, unlike most chain places), mozzarella and provolone. The same basics were on Simon's pepperoni and cheese pizza.

Stone ordered Lisa's Favorite: extra sauce, green and red bell peppers, avocado, Cajun spices, grilled red onions, and grated Parmesan (no other cheese).

 For dessert, we chose the Oreo cheese cake. In Simon's words, "It was yummy! I no make a mess, I just eat it!"


  1. It's so great when you and have your favorite foods and still eat healthy!

  2. Looks like pleasing meal and what better way to enjoy it but with the loved ones :)

  3. These pizza looks simply awesome. I love pizza but afraid of calories.

  4. These pizzas look great! I love making home made pizzas because you can be as creative with the toppings as you like! No two are ever the same! It is very individualistic and unique!

  5. Wow, that pizza looks amazing!!! Ricotta as a topping is one of my faves!


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