
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sourdough Pizza Crusts- 5 points

I decided that a nice food to have in the freezer would be some individual pizza crusts. I love making pizza from pitas or wraps, but I thought that a nice sourdough crust would be a interesting change. I found a great recipe at Sourdough Home (which is chock full of great recipes). You can find the recipe by clicking this link. I followed the directions with the following exceptions.

1. I used my Amish sourdough starter instead of a traditional sourdough.
2. Instead of one large crust, I rolled my dough out to make 8 mini crusts.

Here are the crusts before being placed in the freezer:

I made these when I had family over for dinner. I topped each crust with 1/4 cup of artichoke and garlic salsa and 1/8 cup fat free mozzarella - which kept each at 5 points, since the toppings were nothing. They were delicious! The crust is, of course sweet because of the sugar in the starter. Everyone agreed that the sweetness went nicely with the spice from the salsa. Since Simon likes his pizza with a bit more cheese, his was topped with 1/4 cup 2% Colby Jack cheese. Here it is just before he scarfed it down.

Because of the sweetness, this crust would make an excellent dessert pizza as well! I think if you shaped it like a heart, it would also be quite lovely for Valentine's day.


  1. Angela, This is great. Lately I've been planning on making some pizza dough. now, I have a good recipe to do so. I love pizza. Nice post!

  2. This really is great and I love the way you made your pizza dough. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

  3. that is pretty good suggestion to shape this into a heart shape. Thanks Angela!

  4. I love anything with sourdough, this one looks awesome.

  5. Another winner Angela - I'm really enjoying your blog. I love the fact that you are so inventive, and manage to keep the points nice and low.


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