
Monday, February 21, 2011

Pear Apple Sauce - 0 points

This did not start out intentionally. I had two anjou pears that were starting to get mushy and several red delicious apples that were bruised. I was feeling too lazy to do anything fancy, so I decided to just cook them down into a sauce.

I am not normally a big fan of the red delicious apple, as it tends to be mushy. In sauce, however, it turns out to be wonderful! As I was spooning this into my mouth, I kept thinking, "I didn't put sugar in this, right? Did I add cinnamon and forget about it? Was I sleep cooking?" But no. This is simple - just apples and pears cooked down into an completely indulgent mixture that will make you feel like you are sneaking some forbidden, fattening treat.

Pear Apple Sauce
2  very ripe anjou pears, peeled and chopped
4 very ripe red delicious apples, peeled and chopped

1. Heat a medium skillet over medium-low heat. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.
2. Place fruit into skillet; cover.
3. Simmer over low heat for 1hr+, until fruit is cooked to your liking. I like mine medium mushy- about 1 1/2 hrs.
4. Mash with a potato masher for a chunky sauce or run, in batches, through a food processor for a smooth sauce.
5. O points

While we are on wonderful fruit dishes, check out these biscuits with strawberries on top that Stone made. They were amazing! He still won't divulge his biscuit recipe. I am working on him.

Finished teaching the BFG by Roald Dahl. I have fond memories of my Standard Four teacher reading it to my class. My students seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Do you have fond memories of a teacher reading to you?


  1. Oh so yummy! And zero points, how great is that??? Have a wonderful week!

  2. I don't usually like pears, but in applesauce...I'm pretty sure I'd gobble em up!

  3. I have just started to like pears! Barefoot Contessa has a pear-apple compote in one of her cookbooks that I'm dying to try, but if you say yours tasted rich without anything added to it, then it just moved to the top of the list!!

  4. My husband is a huge fan of pears. This fruity sauce looks great to go with some biscuits for the breakfast.

  5. What a great apple sauce, I bet there is a lot of cool ways you can use it.
    Love BFG!
    *kisses* HH

  6. This really sounds delicious. It sounds like a perfect combo. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. Apple pear sauce looks delicious. Nice recipe.

  8. Simple, easy, delicious! And the biscuits with strawberries on top, yummo!!!! Thank you for sharing :)

  9. Oh, the pearapplesauce looks yummy!I'm gonna have to try it!

  10. I'm a huge Dahl fan - love all of his books. And remain attached to children's literature. When I subbed, my favorite assignment was the library - where I had the pleasure of getting paid to read to children all day. As an ex-actress - I may have been a wee bit dramatic!

    Love the applesauce - fruit has been my mainstay when I decided something wasn't worth the points!

  11. Red delicious are my favorites and I have pears too - this is a treat!

  12. Pears and apple sauce sounds wonderful- perfect side to any dish!

  13. I love to make applesauce; healthy and good for you. Adding pears must be even tastier.

  14. Thank you for all of your lovely comments. They make me very happy.


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