
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Menu Planning

First off, the mommy of two of Simon's adorable little friends asked me about my menu planning. I was thinking about participating in Menu Plan Monday, so I decided to go ahead and show you my menu and how I plan it.

Here are the basics. I go to the store on Saturday or Sunday. I have a list of any pantry staples that need to be replenished, but nothing apart from that. I buy what is cheap and on sale - enough meat, veggies, and fruit to last the week. When I get home, I look at what I have purchased and make my menu. I don't like to go to more than one store, so I typically shop at Aldi one week (stocking up on frozen veg and fruit) and Publix the next week for a greater variety of fresh produce.

Next, I plan my meals around my schedule. This week I have to work late on Thursday, so I have planned a crock pot dinner. However, I am flexible. If I am running late tomorrow, I will not take the time to make chicken curry - I will switch it with Wednesday's easier meal.

You will not see side dishes on my menu plan. I always have salad greens, fresh vegetables, and frozen vegetables. If I am short on time, I throw some greens in a bowl or steam a veg in the microwave.  If I have time, I will make a more elaborate side dish on the spur of the moment. But, the main dish always comes first.

As far as points, I try to plan for 4-8 points for dinner. I like 4-5 for breakfast, 4-5 for lunch, and then several left over for snacking. I eat six times a day - three meals and three snacks- so I need to space out my points.

Now that I am done going on and on and is the menu for this week:

tofu and vegetable stir fry

chicken curry
saffron rice

pork roast

eggs with vegetarian chorizo

spicy split peas

tuna a la king

(I am having guests)
beef and vegetable stew
cheese quesadillas
dark chocolate no bake cookies

At the risk of this post being forever long (too late) here is a menu of recipes already posted here or self explanatory if you are looking for some inspiration for the week.




sandwich night - low carb wraps with fat free cheese and lean meat

eat out - keep it as healthy as you can
(personal favorite - local, Ahart's Pizza Garden; chain, Wendy's (salad and small chili- yum!))

Make Rotisserie Chicken to use next week

I hope this is helpful! If you are making your menu for the week, I would love to know what you have planned. 


  1. Great tips. Your menu sounds delicious. I try to plan slow cooker meals for busy nights also.

  2. Angela, this menu sounds great. it's interesting to read how people plan their week of meals. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great suggestions, but with me, I do not need a menu. I seldom cook anymore and go to grocery store maybe once a month. I get everything I need to last for awhile. When you live alone, life is different. So happy you stopped by for a visit.

  4. Wow! This menu looks great, I haven't planned mine yet so would love to follow this.

  5. blimey... that's dedication! good luck and keep us posted x

  6. Great ideas Angela; sometimes that is what a need; ideas and inspiration to cook. Thank you for joining me.

  7. Your menu sounds wonderfully varied. I shoot for 5-6 points during the day (brothy, vegetable soup, oatmeal, fruit) and then splurge for dinner. Wish I was as organized as you.

  8. gosh. you got me motivated to make a weekly meal plan. thanks sista :)

  9. Lovley menus! Thank you for sharing tips on how to shop and plan :)


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