
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Creamy Chilled Avocado Soup - 4 Points

I have been craving avocados for a few weeks now, but just couldn't see myself using the points to eat one sliced or in guacamole the way I usually would. I was really glad to take the No Croutons Required challenge and try out this recipe from Homemade Soups by Sunset Books. It gave me the delicious flavor of avocado without the high point value.

Creamy Chilled Avocado Soup
2 large, ripe avocados, pitted and peeled
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
5 cubes chicken or vegetable bouillon
5 cups water
1 small onion, quartered
3 slices bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled (optional)

1. Place avocado, juice, bouillon cubes, one cup water, and onion in a food process and whirl until smooth.
2. In a large bowl, mix avocado paste with the remaining four cups of water and stir until blended.
3. Chill soup for at least 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with bacon.
4. Makes 6, 4 point servings


  1. I like avocado chilled avocado sounds delicious and easy to make. I will try.

  2. This sounds very good...I bet it would also taste good hot...Blessings, CAtherine

  3. I absolutely adore avocados! I haven't had them in so long. They sound delicious in a soup- especially when topped off with bacon bits!


  4. What a unique and cooling recipe!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog

  5. I love avocados but have yet to try them in soup! What a great way to enjoy them without all the calories!

  6. This is really a lovely soup. I'd love to have a bowl of it. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. I never had avocados in a soup! So creamy and delicious - glad to see the bacon in there too!

  8. Thank you:) Catherine, I was thinking that it would probably taste good hot as well. Also, you could take out some of the water if you aren't worried about the calories and want a thicker soup.


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