
Friday, February 18, 2011

Pork Meatballs - 1 Point Each

Time for the final piece of Valentine's Day dinner - the meatballs. I love to make huge batches of homemade meatballs and keep a bag in the freezer. I can pull out a few at a time for sandwiches, sweet and sour, Swedish, Italian - whatever my heart desires. This is my go-to meatball recipe. I don't always use pork, but ground pork was the cheapest meat for sale in the grocery store this past week.

Pork Meatballs
2 lb ground pork
1 cup steel cut oats
1/2 cup fat free milk
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
2 egg whites
1 tsp salt
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp pepper

1. In a large bowl, mixed all ingredients until well combined (I use my hands). Shape mixture into 50 meatballs (about 1 1/2 inches each).
2. Place meatballs on in an ungreased cast iron skillet or baking dish.
3. Bake at 400F for 20-25 minutes
4. Yields 50, 1 point meatballs

Second on my list tonight, I wish you a very happy Pink Saturday. Here is my pink pictures for the week; embroidery detail from a quilt my grandmother made many moons before I was born. Because the quilt includes several pieces of fabric taken from dresses my mother wore in high school, my grandmother gave the quilt to me a few years ago. I cherish it. (For good measure I decided to show you another piece of the quilt - a sunbonnet girl made from some of my mother's high school clothes.)

For the Pink Saturday challenge, I have chosen one of my favorite posts from last week. Check out this decadent recipe for pumpkin soup!

Finally, I always leave you with a Friday Song, randomly selected by the DJ on my Zen. I do have very eclectic tastes so we are going from British folk alternative to Christian hip hop to this week's offering - country. Raul Malo, lead singer of The Mavericks and talented solo artist, has one of the sexiest voices in the world. Here is "I Should Know" by The Mavericks.


  1. Your meatballs sound yummy! I'm going to have to check out your low points recipes!!
    Happy Pink Saturday. That quilt must be special. that is the sweetest sunbonnet Sue!

  2. Those meatballs sound just perfect, and only one point each - I could pig out!!!!!!

  3. I love that I have everything on hand to make these meatballs! Perfect for a comfort food craving.

  4. Your meatballs sound really delicious. I'll have to give them a try. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  5. Your meatballs sound delicious and I love the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. So vintage.

  6. Yum! I would love some now!

    Your darling quilt reminds me of one that I had from my grandmother. Someone broke into our storage shed and stole it and two dresses I had saved from high school. I still get sad when I think about it. I am sure it was just kids goofing around and they just tossed them when they were done.

  7. Thanks everyone:) Jacqueline, your story makes me very sad. I hate to read that you lost such treasures. It is heartbreaking to have something taken that way.

  8. Yummy!! Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  9. My meatballs top out at five points. I want your meatballs. Five of them.


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